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International Health Regulations (IHR) Summer School for selected partner countries

Place: Berlin, Germany


As the COVID-19 pandemic has proven, in today’s highly mobile and interconnected world, health security is a global issue. We must all protect ourselves, and each other, from health threats such as infectious diseases, chemical and radiological events.

Through the International Health Regulations (2005), countries have agreed to build their national surveillance and response capacities to detect, assess, notify and report public health events. The IHR (2005) also includes specific measures at points of entry (PoE) such as ports, airports and ground crossings to limit the spread of health risks to neighbouring countries.

As a WHO Collaborating Centre for Emerging Infections and Biological Threats, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Germany seeks to assist with IHR (2005) implementation via exchange with other countries and trainings, in cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners.

Four IHR Summer Schools have been already organised by the Robert Koch Institute in the framework of the German Global Health Protection Programme. Through the IHR Summer Schools of 2017, 2018 and 2019, 92 public health professionals from 13 partner countries in Africa and South East Europe have had an opportunity to exchange experiences with other experts and further deepen their knowledge on the IHR implementation. After a two-year break of the summer school due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IHR Summer School was last held in 2022, currently the concept is under revision.

Course aims and learning outcomes

The aim of the IHR Summer School is to strengthen the IHR (2005) core capacities of selected partner countries especially regarding Public Health Emergencies due to infectious diseases, preparedness and response operations. Regional cooperation and communication will also be strengthened.

Key learning outcomes:

  • Plan, coordinate, monitor and assess IHR (2005) implementation
  • Collect, analyse and disseminate critical public health information
  • Collaborate and communicate with other sectors engaged in the strengthening of core public health capacities

Target Audience

The IHR Summer School targets approximately 20-24 key public health professionals from selected partner countries.

  • Working with or at IHR National Focal Points (IHR NFP) or
  • Actively involved in the implementation of IHR (2005) core capacities particularly related but not limited to:

    • National legislation and policy
    • IHR coordination, communication and advocacy
    • Infectious disease surveillance
    • Reporting
    • Public health emergency preparedness and response operations
    • Points of Entry (PoE)

Each selected country will be invited to nominate 3-4 participants through their IHR NFP.


  • Public Health Emergency preparedness and response

    • IHR core capacities required for early detection, assessment
    • Identification of potential and reporting of Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC)
    • Activating and operating a public health emergency operations centre (EOC)
  • Points of Entry

    • Capacities for routine activities and public health emergencies
    • Co-ordination and communication between national health surveillance systems and authorities at PoE
    • Day trip to a designated Point of Entry (e.g. Hamburg port or Berlin airport) to share the German experience and associated challenges
  • Intersectoral collaboration and communication
  • WHO IHR (2005) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

    • Outcomes of joint external evaluations and subsequent national planning
    • Preparation for, and experiences with, intra action reviews, after action reviews and simulation exercises
  • Other IHR-related topics

COVID-19 and security concept

All participants must fulfill the entry requirements set by the German Government at the time of arrival. Besides, an RKI security concept for the event will be developed and followed in order to ensure the participants’ security and prevent further spread of COVID-19. Additional information in this regard will be communicated in due time. It should be noted that if the epidemiological situation does not allow for a face to face course, an online alternative will be developed.


Through a pre-course e-learning module covering the fundamental aspects of the IHR (2005) and on-site scenario-based interactive exercises and exchange of experiences, best practices and knowledge the course offers a platform for horizontal, collegial exchange. The formed national and regional networks are intended to bring about future exchange beyond the Summer School.

Course Fees/Financial Support

For successful candidates, the participation is financed by the German Global Health Protection Program. The working language will be English.


Stand: 26.10.2023
