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Study program "Health in Germany"

Information for Participants

Starting in 2024, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) will regularly gather current information on the state of health of people in Germany with the “Health in Germany” study series.

As part of this study, people in Germany will be periodically surveyed on various health-related topics using a survey platform This approach allows for timely responses to current health-related questions. In addition participants can also take part in other studies.

Currently, participation is limited to individuals randomly invited by the RKI. In 2024, a total of 30,000 citizens aged 16 and above across Germany will be included in the study. The study started in early 2024. Participation in the study and its individual surveys is entirely voluntary and free of charge. You will receive rewards for your participation.

The information materials and the questionnaire for the study are only available in German at the moment. We are currently working on making it possible to participate in the study in other languages.

The study is conducted by the infas Institute for Applied Social Science GmbH.


"Health in Germany" is designed to cover a broad range of health-related topics. In this way, the various aspects of the health situation of people in Germany can be accurately depicted. Key topics are:

  • Physical health: general physical development, acute and chronic illnesses, disabilities, and pain.
  • Mental health: Mental well-being, quality of life, mental illnesses and behavioural problems as well as psychosocial protection and risk factors.
  • Social environment, living conditions: The social situation, social environment, and family .
  • Health behaviour, health risks: Behaviours such as diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity.
  • Health care: Vaccination status, utilization of medical services, medication intake, health insurance, and preventive services (early childhood screening examinations).

Results for Politics and Science

"Health in Germany" establishes a continuous, comprehensive and reliable database for health reporting, providing a science-based foundation for health policy decisions.

The findings can be used to assess the achievement of specific health targets set by policy makers and serve as a basis for planning targeted prevention measures. Data from "Health in Germany" is also made available to other scientific institutions in anonymized and grouped format.

Date: 23.02.2024

Additional Information