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Utilisation of canteens offering healthy food choices as part of workplace health promotion in Germany – Fact sheet – JoHM 1/2020

Abstract: Ensuring that canteens offer employees healthy food choices is a settings-based measure of work-place health promotion. The German Health Update (GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS) surveyed the knowledge and use of canteens with healthy food choices by 18- to 64-year-old male and female employees. Over the previous twelve months, 64.6% of women and 66.2% of men had, where available, eaten at canteens with healthy food options at their place of work. These figures on canteen use decline with age. The most frequent use is by employees in the high education group. Women working full-time eat in canteens offering healthy food choices more often than women working part-time. No difference in relation to the number of hours worked is observed for men. Healthy food choices in canteens should continue to be promoted.

Date of issue March 4, 2020 PDF (2 MB, File does meet accessibility standards.)