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Adult exposure to passive smoking in Germany – Fact sheet – JoHM 2/2018

Passive smoking is associated with the same consequences for health as smoking, albeit to a lesser extent. Various legislative measures have been put in place in Germany to lower exposure to passive smoking. According to data from GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS, 11.3 % of non-smoking adults are regularly exposed to passive smoking in enclosed spaces; this is particularly the case with young adults. Non-smoking women who are regularly exposed to passive smoking usually come into contact with passive smoking when they are together with friends and acquaintances (51.2 %). Non-smoking men most frequently face passive smoking in the work place (56.1 %). People with a high level of education are much less frequently exposed to passive smoking than those with mid- to lower levels of education. Action still needs to be taken to protect people against the dangers linked to passive smoking.

Date of issue June 27, 2018 PDF (382 KB, File does meet accessibility standards.)