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Migration and health: results and perspectives from the IMIRA project - Journal of Health Monitoring 1/2023

Issue 1/2023 examines the health status of people with a migration history in Germany, as well as methods for data collection and evaluation.

In the first article, an overview of the health of people with selected nationalities is given on the basis of various indicators.

The second article explores the COVID-19 vaccination uptake among people with a migration history. Both papers emphasize that various migration-related, social, and structural determinants are essential for explaining differences in health outcomes. The articles are based on data from the interview survey Gesundheit in Deutschland aktuell: Fokus (GEDA Fokus).

The third article from the Concepts & Methods section refers to these findings and argues for a minimum set of indicators to describe the migration status, which should be considered in data collection and analysis prospectively.

Date of issue March 21, 2023 PDF (3 MB, File does meet accessibility standards.)