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Child and adolescent health – Articles on current epidemiological topics - Journal of Health Monitoring 2/2023

Issue 2/23 of the Journal of Health Monitoring presents new epidemiological findings on child and adolescent health in Germany.

In the issue’s editorial, the need for continuous data collection in Germany is emphasised. This is important to identify trends, inform health policies, and measure the success of interventions.

The first article presents a pilot project that pools data from school entry examinations to measure the prevalence of obesity in early childhood, allowing regional analyses and comparisons.

The prevalence and evolution of acute respiratory illness in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic is analysed in the second article.

In the third contribution, it is examined whether the COVID-19 pandemic led to gender differences in selected health indicators among boys and girls. Results are based on the KIDA survey. Additionally, this article emphasises the importance of addressing these differences in prevention efforts.

Medical care of children and adolescents with type-1 diabetes in Germany is examined in the fourth article. Its focus is primarily on trends as well as regional differences.

The last article uses data from the German Childhood Cancer Registry (DKKR) and analyses, among others, the state of research on risk factors of childhood and adolescent cancers. Furthermore, the article points out consequences of therapy measures.

Date of issue June 14, 2023 PDF (8 MB, File does meet accessibility standards.)