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Changes in mental health in the German child and adolescent population during the COVID-19 pandemic – Results of a rapid review - Journal of Health Monitoring S1/2023

Issue S1/2023 focuses on the topic of Changes in mental health in the German child and adolescent population during the COVID-19 pandemic – Results of a rapid review.

This rapid review examines changes in the mental health of the German child and adolescent population during the COVID-19 pandemic. The basis are 39 publications, which were identified by means of systematic literature search (until 19.11.2021) and manual search. The databases of the included publications were checked for representativeness for the general population. The indicators used were classified according to the psychological constructs they represented according to their reliableness.
The large majority of the studies took place at the beginning of the pandemic until the summer plateau 2020. Representative studies mainly reported high levels of pandemic-related stress, increases in mental health problems, and negative impacts on the quality of life. Non-representative studies showed mixed results. Vulnerable groups could only be identified to a limited extent. Children and adolescents turned out to be more vulnerable during the pandemic compared to adults, but their stress levels varied with the waves of the pandemic and the related containment measures.
A future forward-looking crisis and pandemic management requires a close-knit and continuous surveillance of the mental health of children as well as an improved identification of risk groups.

Date of issue February 1, 2023 PDF (5 MB, File does meet accessibility standards.)