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No. 6/2012: Health in Europe – Data from the EU Health Monitoring Programme

Health data of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) and the European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) are analyzed by Jürgen Thelen, Nils Kirsch und Jens Hoebel in this issue.

The first results of the European Health Survey enable comprehensive comparisons of the state of health and health behaviour of the population of the European countries. To illustrate the health situation of the European population, a situation report on subjective health is given.

Two thirds of all Germans assess their own state of health as good or very good. Compared with other European countries, Germany is positioned in the midfield. Furthermore comparisons of the state of health e.g. overweight and obesity, diabetes mellitus, and use of the health system are analyzed, too.

Date of issue December 20, 2012 PDF (309 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)