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No. 1/2014: Hysterectomy

The first issue of 2014  focuses on hysterectomy. The removal of the uterus currently ranks among the most frequent gynaecological procedures both in Germany and internationally. Medical indications for a hysterectomy other than malignant diseases of the uterus or ovaries include a variety of benign conditions of the uterus. The most important underlying illnesses and the medical reasons for a hysterectomy will be presented in this article by Franziska Prütz and Elena von der Lippe. The authors will go into detail regarding their frequency and factors that can possibly influence the intervention. The base data is sourced primarily from the results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) conducted by the Robert Koch Institute. Additional sources of data are official statistics as well as data from external in-patient quality assurance and the Centre for Cancer Registry Data.

Date of issue January 23, 2014 PDF (438 KB, File does not meet accessibility standards.)