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Journal of Health Monitoring 2/2017

Public Health Journal for Germany. Quelle: RKI

JUNE 2017

Health-related behaviour in Germany and Europe

Issue 2/2017 of the Journal of Health Monitoring focuses on health-related behaviour in Germany and Europe.

Based on data from the German Health Update (GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS), the Focus article provides an overview on health-related behaviour in Germany and Europe.
The population in Germany is more physically active than the European average. Regarding smoking, the data for Germany are quite close to the European average. However, the country does not do so well in other areas of health-related behaviour: Germany has the third lowest level of fruit consumption and the proportion of heavy episodic drinkers is above average.

The Fact sheets published in the latest issue of the Journal set out the results of the GEDA study for Germany on obesity, fruit and vegetable consumption, alcohol consumption, smoking and physical activity.

The Journal’s ‘Concepts & Methods’ section focuses on how regional socioeconomic inequalities in health can be demonstrated and explained. A second article describes the methodical approach used to establish the monitoring system for obesity-relevant influencing factors in childhood.

Date: 14.06.2017