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Journal of Health Monitoring S2/2017

Public Health Journal for Germany. Quelle: RKI


Proceedings of the National and Federal State Level Workshop of German Federal Health Reporting 2016

The second Special Issue 2017 of the Journal of Health Monitoring documents the National and Federal State Level Workshop of German Federal Health Reporting 2016 on the Preventive Health Care Act and Prevention Reporting.

The workshop in November 2016 was run by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). Experts from health reporting at the state and federal level presented and discussed activities and models surrounding prevention reporting. The motive for the event was the prevention report, which the National Prevention Conference will prepare every four years beginning in 2019 in order to document, monitor and evaluate its activities. The workshop revealed the desire among stakeholders to discuss suitable data collection methods and indicators and harmonise the different reporting systems in the long term.

Date: 30.08.2017