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Journal of Health Monitoring S3/2017

Public Health Journal for Germany. Quelle: RKI


New data for action. Data collection for KiGGS Wave 2 has been completed

The fieldwork of the second follow-up to the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) was completed in August 2017. The current Special Issue of the Journal of Health Monitoring provides an overview of the survey methods and key data of the study.

The five modules that were connected with KiGGS Wave 2 and conducted by KiGGS part-ners from universities and federal agencies focus on specific aspects of health in childhood and adolescence: the children’s nutrition module KiESEL, the nutrition module EsKiMo, the environmental module GerES, the module on motor performance and physical activity MoMo, and the mental health module BELLA. These modules are also presented in this issue.

Date: 27.09.2017