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Journal of Health Monitoring - Issues 2019

Journal of Health Monitoring 4/2019 - How is Germany doing in Europe? Results from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) 2

EU-Fahne und Deutschland-Fahne. Quelle: © Boris15 / ClipDealerIssue 4/2019 of the Journal of Health Monitoring focuses on the question of how Germany is doing in Europe. To answer the question, data from the second wave of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) are used.


Journal of Health Monitoring S2/2019 - 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: Regional health differences in Germany

Menschen aus West- und Ost stehen auf der Mauerkrone am Brandenburger Tor am 10.11.1989, 2019. Quelle: © Bundesregierung / Klaus LehnartzIssue S2/2019 focuses on the question of how health has developed in Germany since the fall of the Berlin Wall and whether there are (still) health differences between former East and West German federal states today.


Journal of Health Monitoring 3/2019 - Establishment of a migration-sensitive health monitoring at the Robert Koch Institute – Results of the IMIRA project

People of different ages and nationalities having fun together. Source: © / Shutterstock.comIssue 3/2019 of the Journal of Health Monitoring reports on the establishment of a migration-sensitive health monitoring at the Robert Koch Institute and the further development of health reporting on migration and health.


Journal of Health Monitoring S1/2019 - Good Practice in Health Reporting – Guidelines and Recommendations 2.0

Stilisiertes Balkendiagramm. Quelle: © PixabayThe first special issue in 2019 introduces version 2.0 of Good Practice in Health Reporting. The aim is to provide people working in health reporting with professional direction and guidance.


Journal of Health Monitoring 2/2019 - New Results from Diabetes Surveillance in Germany

Wortwolke Diabetes. Quelle: © Mary Pahlke, PixabayIssue 2/2019 of the Journal of Health Monitoring focuses on new results from national diabetes surveillance. Topics include social inequality regarding diabetes mellitus over time, the current data situation on type 1 diabetes in adults and type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents, and the relevance of secondary data for diabetes surveillance.


Journal of Health Monitoring 1/2019 - Social Differences in Germany: Mortality and Life Expectancy

Hand einer betagten Person umfasst Hand eines kleinen Kindes. Quelle: © PixabayThe first 2019 issue focuses on social differences in mortality and life expectancy and analyses current trends in the development of life expectancy in Germany. The issue also reports on health inequalities among children and adolescents in Germany. In addition, the project IMIRA (Improving Health Monitoring in Migrant Populations) is presented.
