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Journal of Health Monitoring S2/2022

Public Health Journal for Germany. Quelle: RKI

June 2022

Social, health-related, and environmental factors influencing sleep problems of children, adolescents and young adults

Special Issue S2/2022 provides a differentiated description of sleep problems in young people. Based on data from the KiGGS study, the influence of social, health-related and environmental factors is also examined.

The analyses address the following questions: How common are sleep problems in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, and how does the prevalence of sleep problems differentiate along sociodemographic features? What influence do sociodemographic variables as well as health-related (mental health, pain) and environmental factors (place of residence, noise) have? How high is the percentage of children and adolescents, among which sleep problems were reported both in the KiGGS baseline study as well as in young adulthood in KiGGS Wave 2?

Date: 08.06.2022