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Journal of Health Monitoring - Issues 2024

3/2024 - A societal challenge with high public health relevance: ADHD in children and adolescents in Germany

Logo Integrate ADHD. Quelle: © RKIAttention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in children and adolescents, with potentially lifelong individual, familial and social effects and high public health relevance.


3/2024 - Differences in frequency between administrative and parent-reported ADHD diagnosis data of children and adolescents taking sociodemographic characteristics into account – Results from the consortium project INTEGRATE-ADHD

Logo Integrate ADHD. Quelle: © RKIThis contribution analyses discrepancies between administrative and parent-reported ADHD diagnosis data, considering sociodemographic characteristics.


3/2024 - When do parents report their child’s administrative ADHD diagnosis? A utilisation-based analysis from the consortium project INTEGRATE-ADHD

Logo Integrate ADHD. Quelle: © RKIThis article examines discrepancies in the frequency of ADHD in children and adolescents in Ger­many using information on health care utilisation from both administrative and parent-reported survey data linked at person level.


3/2024 - Risk and protective factors associated with health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with ADHD in Germany – Findings from the consortium project INTEGRATE-ADHD

Logo Integrate ADHD. Quelle: © RKIThe aim of the present article was to investigate health care-related and psychosocial risk and protective factors for health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with an administrative ADHD diagnosis.


3/2024 - Psychometric evaluation of the Clinical Interview for Externalizing Disorders (ILF-EXTERNAL) in an online setting – Results from the consortium project INTEGRATE-ADHD

Logo Integrate ADHD. Quelle: © RKIThe article examines the psychometric properties of the ADHD section of the semi-structured diagnostic interview ILF-EXTERNAL, which was con­ducted online via video chat.


3/2024 - Health care costs of incident ADHD in children and adolescents in Germany – A claims data analysis within the framework of the consortium project INTEGRATE-ADHD

Logo Integrate ADHD. Quelle: © RKIThis article addressed the research gap on health care resource utilisation and costs of chil­dren and adolescents with incident ADHD diagnosis using nationwide claims data from the statutory health insurance DAK-Gesundheit.


3/2024 - ADHD in children and adolescents: Guideline-based online assessment in the consortium project INTEGRATE-ADHD

Logo Integrate ADHD. Quelle: © RKIThe article describes how a guideline-based clinical assessment of ADHD can be implemented in an online setting.


3/2024 - Health of single mothers and fathers in Germany. Results of the GEDA studies 2019 – 2023

Alleinerziehende - © AlissaAnn - AdobeStock.comThe article analyses the health of single mothers and fathers in comparison to parents in partner households, considering differences in their social status.


2/2024 - Journal of Health Monitoring – what’s new in 2024?

Journal of Health Monitoring. Quelle: RKIThis editorial presents current changes, for example regarding the publication scheme and layout. It also provides an outlook on a web platform that is currently being set up as part of the Federal Health Reporting.


2/2024 - Diabetes surveillance – Laying the groundwork for non-communicable disease surveillance in Germany

Wortwolke Diabetes. Quelle: © Mary Pahlke, PixabayDiabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of blood sugar metabolism that requires life-style adjustments and often lifelong treatment with blood sugar-lowering medications.


2/2024 - Type 2 diabetes among people with selected citizenships in Germany: risk, healthcare, complications

Wortwolke Diabetes. Quelle: © Mary Pahlke, PixabayMigration-related factors, such as language barriers, can be relevant to the risk, healthcare and complications of type 2 diabetes in people with a history of migration.


2/2024 - Healthcare and health situation of adults with type 2 diabetes in Germany: The study GEDA 2021/2022-Diabetes

Wortwolke Diabetes. Quelle: © Mary Pahlke, PixabayThe nationwide study German Health Update (GEDA) 2021/2022-Diabetes was conducted to assess the current healthcare and health situation of adults with diabetes in Germany.


2/2024 - Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in Germany: Temporal trend and differences by regional socioeconomic deprivation

Wortwolke Diabetes. Quelle: © Mary Pahlke, PixabayGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) increases the risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes.


2/2024 - Diabetes-related amputations in Germany: analysis of time trend from 2015 to 2022 and differences by area-level socioeconomic deprivation

Wortwolke Diabetes. Quelle: © Mary Pahlke, PixabayDiabetes-related amputations reduce health-related quality of life and are an indicator of the quality of care of diabetes.


2/2024 - Potential COVID-19 test fraud detection: Findings from a pilot study comparing conventional and statistical approaches

Antigen-Schnelltest auf SARS-CoV-2 mit Wattestäbchen. Quelle: © Thaut Images - stock.adobe.comThe article reports on a pilot study comparing the performance of different statistical approaches to identify potential fraudulent test centres in a German city in comparison to conventional fraud detection procedures used by local health authorities by default.


S2/2024 - Health in Germany: Establishment of a population-based health panel

Gesundheit in Deutschland. Quelle: © Robert Koch-InstitutThe panel infrastructure Health in Germany, which is currently being set up, is geared towards the needs of public health research in Germany.


1/2024 - The World Health Organization's Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study – Survey Results from Germany 2022 and Trends

Kinder und Jgendliche - Die HBSC-Studie. Quelle: © RKIIssue 1/2024 of the Journal of Health Monitoring focuses on the results of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study 2022, which is conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organization.


S1/2024 - Utilisation of dental services by refugees in Germany: Results of the population-based RESPOND survey

Zahnärztliche Instrumemte. © Afrika Studio/stock.adobe.comIssue S1/2024 focuses on the utilisation of dental services by refugees in Germany.
