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Blood pressure in children

Reference percentiles and representative epidemiological data for children and adolescents in Germany

Contact person: Dr. Hannelore Neuhauser

With the data from the KiGGS study, representative data on blood pressure in children and adolescents in Germany is available for the first time. Based on this data, reference percentiles were calculated. In addition, statements on the prevalence and determinants of high blood pressure in children and adolescents can be made.

Based on a reference population of normal-weight participants in the KiGGS study, reference values for blood pressure differentiated according to age, sex and height in Germany were published, as required in the guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension. Improved statistical procedures are used in the creation of blood pressure reference values which, together with certain sample and measuring aspects, represent an improvement as compared to current US blood pressure references.

Ongoing projects deal with the association between high blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors in children and adults. Data on genetic predisposition due to hypertension or cardiovascular disease in parents is currently being acquired in the context of "KiGGS Wave 1". In future, the KiGGS participants will be subject to follow-up examinations to allow analysis of the persistence and consequences of high blood pressure.

Duration / status: ongoing

Data source: KiGGS

Project type: Research project

Date: 13.10.2014


  • Neuhauser H, Thamm M, Ellert U, Hense HW, Schaffrath Rosario A (2011): Blood Pressure Percentiles by Age and Height from Nonoverweight Children and Adolescents in Germany
    Pediatrics 127 (4): e978-988. Epub Mar 7. doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-1290. more

  • Neuhauser H, Schaffrath Rosario A, Thamm M, Ellert U (2009): Prevalence of children with blood pressure measurements exceeding adult cutoffs for optimal blood pressure in Germany
    Eur. J. Cardiovasc. Prevent. Rehab. 16 (2): 195-200. more

  • Babisch W, Neuhauser H, Thamm M, Seiwert M (2009): Blood pressure of 8-14 year old children in relation to traffic noise at home--results of the German Environmental Survey for Children (GerES IV)
    Sci. Total Environ. 407 (22): 5839-5843. Epub Sep 2. more

  • Bayer O, Neuhauser H, von Kries R (2009): Sleep duration and blood pressure in children: a cross-sectional study
    J. Hypertens. 27 (9): 1789-1793. more