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Health competence and decisive action in the health system

Contact person: Dr. Kerstin Horch

Using the project results, a description is provided on how citizens and patients handle the challenges of the health system, which competencies they have and which ones are lacking. This includes information behaviour and available knowledge on health-related topics, active use of the health system and also satisfaction with contact partners in the health system.

At the same time, dependencies of competencies, attitude, action and satisfaction parameters on socio-economic and other criteria are investigated.

The project provides relevant data at the population level for health reporting and makes this data available for evaluation of the national health target.

Status: completed

Data source: GEDA 2009

Project type: Research project

Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Dierks, Institute for Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health Systems Research, Hannover Medical School

Date: 14.10.2014