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Migration and Health

Almost every fifth person in Germany either immigrated themselve or comes from a first-, second- or third-generation migrant background. In children and adolescents, this figure is even higher at around 30%.

The availability of data on the health of people with migration backgrounds is still inadequate in Germany. Often, there is a lack of detailed information, for example for certain countries of origin or age groups. However, the available data shows that the health, health-related behaviour and utilisation of healthcare services of people with a migration background differ in some cases from those without a migration background.

In the framework of the health monitoring programme, Robert Koch Institute regularly collects data on the health of people with migration backgrounds. Special efforts were made and methods and standards developed in order to encourage people with a migration background to participate in health surveys in line with their proportion in the population.


German Health Update Fokus (GEDA Fokus) among Residents with Croatian, Italian, Polish, Syrian, or Turkish Citizenship in Germany: Protocol for a Multilingual Mixed-Mode Interview Survey

Koschollek C, Zeisler ML, Houben RA, Geerlings J, Kajikhina K, Bug M, Blume M, Hoffmann R, Hintze M, Kuhnert R, Gößwald A, Schmich P, Hövener C (2023) JMIR Research Protocols; 12:e43503. 2023 Feb. DOI: 10.2196/43503. PMID: 36790192

SARS-CoV-2 infections in migrant populations in Germany: results from the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring Survey

Koschollek C*, Kajikhina K*, El Bcheraoui C, Wieler LH, Michalski N, Hövener C (2023) Public Health 219: 35-38 · DOI:

SARS-CoV-2 among migrants and forcibly displaced populations: a rapid systematic review

Hintermeier M, Gencer H, Kajikhina K, Rohleder S, Santos-Hövener C, Tallarek M, Spallek J, Bozorgmehr K (2021) Journal of Migration and Health 4(2021):100056. · DOI 10.1101/2020.12.14.20248152

Concepts for migration-sensitive health monitoring

Schumann S, Kajikhina K, Polizzi A, Sarma N, Hoebel J, Bug M, Bartig S, Lampert T, Santos-Hövener C: (2019) Journal of Health Monitoring 4(3):51–68. DOI 10.25646/6075

Improving the information base regarding the health of people with a migration background. Project description and initial findings from IMIRA

Santos-Hovener C, Schumann M, Schmich P, Gößwald A, Rommel A, Ziese T, Lampert T (2019) Journal of Health Monitoring 4(1):46-57. doi: 10.25646/5874

Editorial: Health monitoring should reflect population diversity

Kurth BM, Razum O (2019) Journal of Health Monitoring 4(3): 3-4. DOI 10.25646/6072

The health of children and adolescents with a migration background in Germany – Results oft he cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study

Koschollek C, Bartig S, Rommel A, Santos-Hovener C, Lampert T (2019) Journal f Health Monitoring 4(3): 7-29. doi: 10.25646/6074

Health reporting on people with a migration background – Selection and definition of (core) indicators

Bartig S, Rommel A, Wengler A, Santos-Hövener C, Lampert T und Ziese T (2019) Journal of Health Monitoring, 4(3): 30-50. doi: 10.25646/6073

Improving the inclusion and participation of children and adolescents with a migration background in KiGGS Wave 2

Frank L, Yesil-Jürgens R, Born S, Hoffmann R, Santos-Hövener C, Lampert T (2018) Journal of Health Monitoring 3(1):126-142. DOI 10.17886/RKI-GBE-2018-034

Lower prevalence of atopic dermatitis and allergic sensitization among children and adolescents with a two-sided migrant background

Ernst SA, Schmitz R, Thamm M, Ellert U (2016) Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 13(3):265. doi: 10.3390/ijerph13030265

Reviewing the topic of migration and health as a new national health target for Germany (Abstract)

Brzoska P, Ellert U, Kimil A, Razum O, Sass AC, Salman R, Zeeb H (2015) International Journal of Public Health 60(1):13-20 doi: 10.1007/s00038-014-0617-z

Suicide attempt rates and intervention effects in women of Turkish origin in Berlin

Aichberger MC, Heredia Montesinos A, Bromand Z, Yesil R, Temur-Erman S, Rapp MA, Heinz A, Schouler-Ocak M (2015) Eur Psychiatry 30(4): 480-485 · DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2014.12.003

Distal and Proximal Factors of Health Behaviors and Their Associations with Health in Children and Adolescents

Lämmle L, Woll A, Mensink GBM, Bös K (2013) Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2013 10:2944-2978 doi:10.3390/ijerph10072944

Food intake of young people with a migration background living in Germany

Kleiser C, Mensink G, Neuhauser H, Schenk L, Kurth B (2010) Public Health Nutrition. 13(3):324-330 doi:10.1017/S1368980009991030

Vaccination coverage against measles in German-born and foreign-born children and identification of unvaccinated subgroups in Germany

Poethko-Müller C, Ellert U, Kuhnert R, Neuhauser H, Schlaud M, Schenk L (2009) Vaccine 27 (19): 2563–2569

Interventions to increase the reachability of migrants in Germany with health interview surveys: mixed-mode feasibility study

Zeisler ML, Bilgic L, Schumann M, Wengler A, Lemcke J, Gosswald A, Lampert T, Santos-Hövener C, Schmich P (2020) JMIR Form Res 4(4): e14747 · DOI: 10.2196/14747