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Advisory Board for Health Monitoring and Health Reporting

The Advisory Board for Health Monitoring and Health Reporting has the following tasks:

  • Supporting the design and conceptual development of health monitoring and health reporting.
  • Advice on the selection and prioritization of public health topics and contents of RKI’s health monitoring and health reporting.
  • Exchange on cooperation with state authorities and other public health institutions, scientific institutions, professional associations, professional organizations, in particular with the users and holders of the data relevant for health monitoring.
  • Advice in the run-up to decisions on request.
  • Advice on the development of medium and long-term goals for health monitoring and health reporting.

The Advisory Board consists of 21 members who have broad professional expertise in the fields of public health, epidemiology and social epidemiology, health services research, physical health, mental health, public health services and health reporting as well as prevention and health promotion. The board consists of both academics and practitioners. This composition ensures that health reporting and health monitoring receive impetus for further development from important partners in the healthcare sector. The Advisory Board was appointed for a term of office of four years.

Date: 03.07.2024