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Unit 24: Health Reporting

Thomas Ziese
Anke Christine Saß

Federal Health Reporting (Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes, GBE) analyses and describes the state of health of the German population, their health-related behaviour, the prevalence of risk factors, the use of healthcare services, and the costs and resources of the healthcare system.

The many health-related issues are addressed in different publication formats. In the regularly published booklets, scientists from the RKI cover current health-related topics in cooperation with external experts from various research institutions. The GBE kompakt and Fact Sheet formats published online provide a brief overview of the survey results of RKI health monitoring.

The results obtained are used for policy advice and providing information for actors in the healthcare system, the scientific community and interested members of the public.
The Federal Health Monitoring follows a pluralistic approach. The issues and needs of the various actors in the German healthcare system are considered in the GBEMON committee at the RKI under the content-related and organisational responsibility of the RKI.

All health monitoring results are made available online in parallel in the information system of the federal health monitoring. This information system is managed by the Federal Statistical Office.


  • Conceptual design, coordination and compiling of health reports (GBE booklets, GBE kompakt, Fact Sheets)
  • Designing and updating the spectrum of topics handled in Federal Health Reporting in cooperation with the Committee for Health Reporting and Health Monitoring (GBEMON)
  • Scientific support and evaluation of health policy processes such as national health objectives
  • Assistance in setting up a European health monitoring system; assistance in the development of European health indicators
  • Selection and preparation of health reporting-related data sources in cooperation with the Health Data Information and Documentation Centre at the Federal Statistical Office
  • Networking of the health monitoring of the federal government with comparable reporting systems at a national and EU level
  • Environmental Medicine Advisory Committee, involvement in environment-related panels

Date: 01.07.2015