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Unit 27: Health Behaviour

Julika Loss
Gert Mensink, Susanne Jordan

Certain behavioural patterns and lifestyles can influence how likely people remain healthy or become ill. These behaviours include, in particular, physical activity, diet, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, and maintaining a normal body weight. Unit 27 investigates how prevalent certain health behavioural aspects are among children, adolescents and adults living in Germany. We also analyse changes in behaviour over time, as well as the factors influencing health behaviour. Important determinants of health behaviour are supportive environmental conditions, and also health literacy.

For the analysis of population-wide health behaviour, we use data from the monitoring studies of the RKI as well as external data sources. We consider individual, social and environmental factors that can influence health behaviour. In this way, we provide information and evidence for health promotion, prevention and political decision-making processes. Current topics are also addressed, such as the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on health behaviour and on preventive services. We also analyse health behaviour in relation to climate change. In addition, we are continuously working on new instruments and methods of data collection. We work on our topics in national and international networks.

We report our findings in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, health reports and on conferences. The staff of our Unit covers various disciplines and has expertise in survey methods (health behaviour, prevention and health promotion, health literacy), epidemiological evaluations, qualitative and participatory research methods, and public health.


With regard to the most important health-relevant behaviours – i.e. physical activity, dietary behaviour, maintenance of a normal body weight, smoking, and alcohol consumption – we investigate, and report on, the following aspects:

  • The prevalence of aspects of these health behaviours and their intensity in the population as a whole as well as in population groups, thereby identifying social inequalities in health behaviours and their social determinants
  • The epidemiological relationship between health behaviours and other health parameters (e.g., disease-related risk factors, chronic diseases) as well as the relationship among these health behaviours (e.g., combinations of risky behaviours)
  • The effects of factors influencing health behaviours on the individual level, especially health literacy, information behaviour, and motivation
  • The effects of factors and barriers influencing health behaviour on the environmental / structural level, e.g. bicycle paths in the living or working environment.
  • The changes in health behaviour at the population level over time - against the backdrop of societal developments (e.g. climate change and climate awareness) and long-term political measures (e.g. laws, prevention programs).

These issues should be monitored and analysed at all stages of life. Through complementary assessment of existing evidence (e.g., based on systematic reviews), we develop recommendations for policy and practice in order to foster effective and customised health promotion and prevention or for population groups with special needs.

Date: 07.02.2024