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National Pilot Project ESI-CorA

In the ESI-CorA pilot project, 20 wastewater treatment plant sites in Germany were selected to commence monitoring in February 2022. In an expansion phase, an additional 28 sites were integrated into the pilot project, with their sampling and SARS-CoV-2 analysis being funded either by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research or directly by a federal state. The implementation and execution of wastewater-based surveillance were scientifically accompanied by various institutions.

One central goal was the harmonization of technical procedures for wastewater monitoring at each site. The study included methods for normalizing raw data, the applied PCR analytics, and the calculation of trend dynamics.

The project was funded by the European Commission as part of an Emergency Support Instrument (Duration: November 2021 to March 2023).

Open data from ESI-CorA are available on Zenodo and GitHub.

Date: 07.12.2023