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ZKI-PH 3: Image Analysis

Nils Körber
Joana Grah

The research group "Image Analysis" at the ZKI-PH is primarily focused on the development and application of algorithms for the analysis of images for public health-relevant topics and projects. On the one hand, algorithms are developed that are specifically suitable for extracting certain information from biomedical image data. On the other hand, existing algorithms are adapted and applied to the investigation of research topics in the areas of infection research and diagnostics of diseases and pathogens. Images from imaging methods, such as fluorescence or electron microscopy, MRI, CT, X-ray, from the research of the RKI or freely available sources are used as a data basis. In addition, satellite data are analysed to investigate environmental factors for the outbreaks and spread of pandemics.


  • Development of methods for AI-supported analysis of image and video data, for diagnostics, research and projects with public health relevance
  • Analysis and use of data from imaging procedures for the research and diagnosis of infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases, including high-resolution fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, X-rays, MRI, CT, through the application and development of AI methods
  • Use and development of computer vision and pattern recognition algorithms for image and video data, as well as satellite data (e.g. for detection of pandemic outbreaks)
  • Strategic management of the expansion of AI research at the RKI in the areas of image and video analysis as well as multi-spectral and hyperspectral data

Date: 01.04.2024

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