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Modelling of past and future effects of climate change on public health

Short description of the project

Climate change has significant effects on human health, impacting various aspects such as more frequent and intense heatwaves, changes in disease patterns, and compromised air quality. In this project, we will employ advanced modeling techniques to analyze historical climate and health data, aiming to understand the connection between climate change and public health outcomes. Initially, our focus will be on studying the urban heat island phenomenon. We will utilize statistical methods to examine the relationship between temperature and mortality rates, assessing the impact of heatwaves. Additionally, we aim to develop an AI-based model capable of forecasting temperatures at a sub-city level. This model will serve as an early warning system for extreme heatwaves, providing vital information to help mitigate their consequences.

The project addresses the following “Essential Public Health Functions” (EPHS):

  • #1: Assess and monitor population health status, factors that influence health, and community needs and assets.
    The heatwaves will directly affect people's health in Germany, and our goal is to conduct further research on this topic.
  • #2: Investigate, diagnose, and address health problems and hazards affecting the population.
    We will study the impact of heat on different health problems.
  • #9: Improve and innovate public health functions through ongoing evaluation, research, and continuous quality improvement.
    The early warning system would help to improve the health functions.

Date: 05.09.2023