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Analysis of COVID-19 epidemiological data and response measures

The global spread and dynamic of the COVID-19 pandemic created a demand to generate, analyse, manage and present the rapidly growing body of data and information in an actionable and timely manner. At the same time, there was considerable uncertainty and disagreement globally regarding the effectiveness of different response measures (public health and social measures) for managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this project, we analysed data to provide German decision-makers with timely, actionable and relevant information for pandemic response and management. This involved in particular international data and analyses of the situation abroad in order to further improve the evidence base for corresponding recommendations by German authorities.

The project aimed to 1) improve the generation and analysis of global epidemiological data and global data on response measures, and 2) increase knowledge and analysis of response measures and contextualizing them with epidemiological developments of the pandemic.

To meet our goals, we developed a COVID-19 policy analysis framework that combined analysis of epidemiological data and response measures. Published reports provided insights into the changing dynamics of the pandemic in the relevant response measures policy context. Reports focused on some of the most pressing topics in the control of the pandemic, and presented a number of exemplar countries for which data on the topic could be informative. Archived reports can be downloaded below.

Date: 30.03.2023