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Joint WHO EMRO, RKI and GOARN mission to Iran (02 – 12 March 2020)

Meeting between WHO, the Iranian Ministry of Health, and ZIG during the joint mission to Iran, March 2020. Source: RKIMeeting between WHO, the Iranian Ministry of Health, and ZIG during the joint mission to Iran, March 2020

Over a period of 10 days, the team was briefed on the current status of measures to combat SARS-CoV-2 during meetings with high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and official experts for public health, clinical care, civil protection and education, as well as during visits to hospitals and primary care facilities in Tehran and Qom.

Like most other governments worldwide, the Iranian government initially had difficulty in recognizing the extent of the threat and adapting to the new situation. Consequently, the first phase of the outbreak was similar to that in other countries: non-pharmaceutical measures such as the closure of schools and universities and the cancellation of public gatherings such as Friday prayers were introduced only slowly. The epidemiological trend of COVID-19 in Iran reached an alarming growth in February prompting the Iranian government to request assistance through WHO.

The Information Center for International Health Protection (ZIG1), was part of this WHO mission, which took place from 02 to 12 March 2020. At the invitation of the Iranian government, a joint mission of the Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization, the Red Cross Society of China and the Robert Koch Institute from Germany and the WHO Global Outbreak Alert & Response Network (GOARN) was carried out.

Date: 07.09.2020