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SEEG mission on COVID-19 diagnostic training to Namibia (1 – 7 March 2020)

Visit at the MoHSS with report to the minister of health. Source: RKIVisit at the MoHSS with report on the training session and presentation of regional Covid-19 training plans to the minister of health (Source: RKI)

Based on the close contact between RKI and Namibia MoH in the context of the GHPP Namibia Twinning project, ZIG4 supported Namibia with diagnostic reagents early in February. Subsequently RKI initiated and participated in a SEEG mission for a Covid-19 diagnostic training in Windhoek beginning of March. This training mission was also supported by an additional RKI team providing further support and lab machinery to the University of Namibia (UNAM) to enable them to serve as a back-up for COVID-19 diagnostic in case of increasing numbers of cases. Indeed, 1 week after the training, on March 14 the first 2 cases were imported to Namibia. In the light of the now increasing number of cases in Namibia the UNAM laboratory is now also enrolled in Covid-19 testing. During the mission, plans for a WHO regional training were discussed with the Namibian Minister of Health, and with the WHO representative at the WHO country office.

Date: 07.09.2020