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Research and other projects

Corona research. Source: j-mel /

Research projects

Since the start of the pandemic, ZIG has designed, launched and completed a number of analysis and research projects relevant to the pandemic:

Other projects

Deployment handbook “In Control: A Practical Handbook for Professionals Working in Health Emergencies Internationally”

With a foreword by RKI President Prof. Dr. Wieler and contributions from 58 selected international experts in their fields, "In Control" is a reference work and resource for all those who wish to gain an overview of the most important topics related to medical crisis operations in an international setting. In preparing the articles, much emphasis was placed on short but concise texts that explain the essence of important topics and their linkages and point to further publications that allow for more in-depth study.

"In Control" was published in a handy A6 format with a volume of over 600 pages and an initial print run of 2,000, but it was also made available as an interactive electronic version for free download:

Among the authors are numerous renowned experts, some of whom have received important awards for their work. 25 of the authors (43%) are employees of the RKI. The remaining authors largely belong to other renowned institutions in Germany and abroad.

Contact: Silva Lauffer, ZIG3


Go.Data is field data collection platform designed by WHO with focus on contact data collection, contact follow-up and chains of transmission. Data can be presented in forms of lists, graphs and operational dashboards. Go.Data offers different types of operation (online, offline) and functions on different operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac), in addition to an optional mobile app. The tool is designed for flexibility in the field and highly configurable with extensive data export and import features. It can be used to manage multiple outbreaks at the same time and adapted to a wide range of outbreak scenarios. Go.Data is free, open-source and multi-lingual. RKI as WHO Collaboration Centre for the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) supports high-priority countries in outbreak response including training , implementation and monitoring of Go.Data.

Contact: Dr. Basel Karo, ZIG1

Date: 08.05.2023