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Systematic review of the comparative effectiveness of contact tracing interventions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

ZIG 2 completed a systematic review of the comparative effect of different contact tracing interventions on COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. The review analysed 78 relevant studies, of which 12 were observational studies and 66 were mathematical modelling studies. While limited, the evidence from observational studies shows a role for manual and digital contact tracing in controlling the COVID-19 epidemic. Based on the results from the mathematical modelling studies, some of the policies that were found to be highly effective include: (1) Joint manual and digital contact tracing with high contact tracing app adoption by the public, along with high levels of isolation/ quarantine and social distancing (2) tracing contacts of contacts of COVID-19 cases, (3) eliminating delays in contact tracing.

Date: 13.04.2023


  • Pozo-Martin F, Beltran Sanchez MA, Müller SA, Diaconu V, Weil K, El Bcheraoui C (2023): Comparative effectiveness of contact tracing interventions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review.
    Eur J Epidemiol.: 1-24. doi: 10.1007/s10654-023-00963-z. more