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Efficiency by Edification – Center of Excellence

Duration: November 2021 - November 2024

Partner countries: Germany, Rwanda

Partner institutions:

  • Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), Rwanda
  • Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany
  • Institute for International Health (Charite University Hospital Berlin), Germany
  • Department of Infectious Diseases, Respiratory Medicine and Critical Care (Charite University Hospital Berlin), Germany
  • Medmissio Institute for Global Health, Germany
  • Institute of Construction Design, Industrial and Health Care Building - Technische Universität Braunschweig (IKE), Germany

Involved RKI unit: ZBS 7.1: Clinical management and Infection Control

GHPP project EFFO-COE - Participants of the EFFO-COE Training Workshop in Kigali – Rwanda (Nov 2022). Source: RKIParticipants of the EFFO-COE Training Workshop in Kigali – Rwanda (Nov 2022). Source: RKI

Challenges addressed by the project

From November 2021 until end of 2023, project activities are focusing on the construction of a high-level isolation unit in Kigali/Rwanda, and related high-consequence infectious diseases (HCID) training programs for medical staff.


“Efficiency by Edification – Center of Excellence” (EFFO-COE) aims at strengthening the health system of Rwanda with regards to Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) and High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCIDs) e.g. Ebola Virus Disease through the construction of a high-level isolation unit (HLIU) in Kigali, Rwanda as well as the conceptualization and realization of a training program for health care workers (HCW).

The training focuses on the clinical care management of HCIDs and infection prevention & control (IPC), which will cater to healthcare workers and associated professionals that are needed to operate and maintain such a facility. Additionally, the aim of the center is to build up a national team of Master Trainers who will be able to transfer their specialized knowledge towards trainers and clinical staff in the region.

The EFFO-COE project builds on the findings and experiences of the former EFFO-1 and EFFO-2 research projects, which were started by the German Federal Ministry of Health in 2014 in order to prepare hospital staff for high-consequence infectious diseases with a focus on the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak West Africa.

Overview of activities

Construction component: Activities include a construction needs assessment, construction conceptualization (overall and detailed planning, considering non-medical equipment, ventilation system and water/waste management) as well as implementation of construction works. The end product will be a high-level isolation unit (separate building) with ten single rooms, situated at Kigali Health Hub in Masaka / Rwanda.

Training Component: A training needs assessment was conducted in 2022, which included a Knowledge, Attitude & Practices survey amongst intensive care staff in Kigali, Rwanda, followed by a joint workshop with Rwandan and German project partners in November 2022. Using a participatory approach, the topics addressed included: identification of target groups, main training needs, potential training partners and sustainable operational and institutional aspects of the future COE.

Focus of the future EFFO-COE training curriculum will lie on the qualification of medical and non-medical staff working in the new HLIU. This will include theoretical as well as practical training exercises in clinical management of HCIDs, critical care, infectious diseases including antimicrobial stewardship and also knowledge in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Date: 13.06.2023