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Cross-border management of tuberculosis between Poland and Germany

Duration: 2023

Partner country: Poland

Partner institution: National Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Research Institute (IGiChP), Poland

Involved RKI unit: Unit 36

Challenges addressed by the project

The treatment of tuberculosis (TB) is complex and often requires patients to follow long and extensive treatment protocols. This especially holds for drug-resistant TB (DR-TB), which constitutes one of the most urgent problems in TB control in Eastern Europe. As treatment interruption can jeopardize effective (DR-)TB control, cross-border TB control is crucial. Addressing cross-border information exchange, the project aims to lay the ground for a sustainable systematic communication system of TB patient data between Poland and Germany. It assesses the current situation and gaps and needs, identifies relevant stakeholders and contributes to a systematic cross-border TB management.


The objective of the project is to establish a systematic communication on tuberculosis cases between Germany and Poland. The information exchange is enhanced, both on the continuity of treatment of tuberculosis patients who regularly cross borders and on contact tracing.

This is achieved through the strengthening of the collaboration between the project partners, a joint assessment of the current situation and needs with regard to the envisioned cross-border management, and the subsequent preparation of tools to facilitate and standardise information exchange concerning TB cases. Additionally, a strategic plan for a follow-up project is being developed.

Overview of activities

The project activities aim to improve capacity, research and networking, and to contribute to policy. The main activities are the following: development of tools to facilitate and standardise information exchange regarding tuberculosis cases. Secondly, assessment of gaps and needs for a systematic cross-border TB management between both countries. A further key activity is the identification of stakeholders for multisectoral cooperation within the project and the follow-up project. Lastly, regarding the Polish public health system, there are several activities related to improving the TB surveillance by supporting Poland in establishing Treatment Outcome Surveillance for TB and in revising TB Contact Tracing Guidelines.

Date: 15.11.2023