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Global experts discuss core emergency capabilities of National Public Health Agencies

On 9 November 2023, members of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) and the World Health Organization’s Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence (WHO Hub) convened at the RKI for an informal exchange with the aim to discuss and define the core Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) capabilities of National Public Health Agencies (NPHAs). The meeting, jointly hosted by the WHO Hub based in Berlin and RKI, aimed to enable crucial discussions among global experts regarding formal and systematic support to enhance NPHAs' functions.

Participants of the informal exchange in Berlin on 9 November 2023. Photo: RKIParticipants of the informal exchange in Berlin on 9 November 2023. Photo: RKI

The discussion was based on priorities identified in a WHO Health Emergencies Programme consultation in March 2023, during which the unique challenges faced by NPHAs had been highlighted, including limited resources, increased responsibilities, and varying legal frameworks. During the November working-day meeting nineteen participants reviewed and discussed key domains and subdomains for core capabilities NPHAs should have in Emergency Preparedness and Response, including legal-regulatory, governance, finance, workforce development, and technical aspects. External facilitators enabled this process by providing discussion guides which smaller working groups used for analysis. This was followed by a concluding discussion involving the larger group.

Working groups discuss domains and subdomains for core capabilities that National Public Health Agencies should have in emergency preparedness and response. Photo: RKIWorking groups discuss domains and subdomains for core capabilities that National Public Health Agencies should have in emergency preparedness and response. Photo: RKI

The group reviewed the goals and purposes of a forthcoming list of recommendations, including how to strike a balance between making it universally relevant while providing substantial, actionable support tailored to specific needs. Key takeaways encompassed a structured approach for contextual recommendations within broader socio-political contexts, finding complementarity with existing work, and recognising the interdependence of NPHAs with other institutions. The discussions overall highlighted the importance of a minimum set of capabilities for securing funding, differentiating routine and emergency capacities, and positioning the resulting framework as a capacity-building tool.

Looking ahead, the group charted out essential steps, such as holding subsequent meetings, crafting a position paper delineating NPHAs’ core functions, and strategically advocating for recognition and utilisation of the document among national and regional leadership. The overarching objective remains securing WHO’s endorsement for the redefined NPHA’s functions.

Date: 13.12.2023