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Ceremony to mark the end of the podcast series “Remembering” about former Jewish employees of the RKI

The Robert Koch Institute honours the conclusion of its internationally acclaimed podcast series "Remembering" with a ceremony. "Even if what has happened can never be undone, we have an obligation to remember injustice and to learn from the past." emphasizes Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Lothar H. Wieler, President of the Robert Koch Institute.

Remembering: twelve biographies as podcast and brochure Quelle: RKI/YapolaRemembering: twelve biographies as podcast and brochure

As a national public health research institution, the RKI was closely involved in the National Socialist policy of violence. At least twelve scientists and assistants had to leave the institute in the spring of 1933 because of their Jewish background.

Date: 08.07.2022