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Treatment Centres in Germany

There are several treatment centres in Germany where patients with highly contagious and life-threatening diseases can be properly treated. These centres meet the highest standards in terms of clinical isolation, well-trained personnel and laboratory diagnostics.

Training is offered continuously both in the use of personal protective equipment and in technical measures and skills to prevent infection.

Quality standards are developed to ensure that necessary requirements on technical equipment and trained staff apply in all centres.


  • The treatment of patients with highly contagious, life-threatening diseases requires great expertise in infectiology and, in particular, intensive care
  • The treatment even of individual cases is personnel-intensive and, if continued for longer time periods, leads to staffing bottlenecks in any hospital
  • When treating highly contagious, life-threatening diseases, the medical staff are exposed to a particularly high risk of transmission. Training is therefore offered continuously both in the use of the personal protective equipment and in theory and practice of all technical measures and skills that reduce the risk of infection
  • Quality standards are developed to ensure that consistent minimum requirements on technical equipment and staff training apply in all centres

Caring for patients with highly contagious and life-threatening diseases makes extremely high demands of the staff. The STAKOB nursing staff from all centres hold therefore regular internal meetings to exchange knowledge and experience.

Date: 22.02.2021