German Centre for Cancer Registry Data
Date: 19/12/2023
- Leader:
- Dr. Klaus Kraywinkel
- Deputy:
- Dr. Benjamin Barnes
The Centre for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD) regularly estimates and analyses the number of new cancer cases in Germany each year based on the data from the federal state cancer registries. With the amendment of the Federal Cancer Registry Data Act (BKRG) by the "Act on the Consolidation of Cancer Registry Data" in August 2021, the tasks of the ZfKD were expanded. Since 2023, starting with the diagnosis year 2020, essential data from the nationwide clinical cancer registration (in particular on therapy and disease progression) has also been transmitted to the ZfKD.
- Before analysing the data, the ZfKD checks the data on cancer cases collected at federal state level for completeness and plausibility. In addition, the completeness of the reported new cases in the federal state cancer registries is estimated. Completeness is a key quality criterion for population-based cancer registration.
- Together with the federal state cancer registries and with the support of external scientists, the ZfKD is continuously improving the methods and standards for the uniform recording, transmission and analysis of cancer registry data.
In addition to the regular estimation and analysis of morbidity, mortality and survival rates, further indicators are calculated, such as prevalence, distribution of tumour stages, and risks of illness and death. Their development over time is also analysed. In the future, the expanded database will also make it possible to take a closer look at the course of the disease and aspects of oncological care. - Together with the Association of Population-based Cancer Registries in Germany (GEKID), the ZfKD publishes the "Cancer in Germany" report on the prevalence and trends of cancer in Germany every two years. The traditional print products are supplemented by interactive analysis options and a continuously expanding range of information on the web (
- For the data from the epidemiological cancer registration, the ZfKD has already been acting as a a national application centre for nationwide research data for external users since 2010. As of the diagnosis year 2020 it is now also possible to apply for the use of the extended data set (with clinical information).