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Prof. Dr. Johanna Hanefeld

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Career
Since 4/2023Vice President of the Robert Koch Institute (acting)
Since 8/2021Professor of Global Health Policy, Faculty of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Since 1/2020Director and Prof; Head of Department, Centre for International Health Protection, Robert Koch-Institute, Germany
2012 - 2021Assistant then Associate Professor Health Policy and Systems (LSHTM)
2011 - 2012Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Global Public Health Unit, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh
2010 - 2011Technical Officer, Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organisation, Regional Office Europe
2010Research Fellow, Evidence for Action, Department for Global Health and Development, LSHTM
2006 - 2010Graduate Teaching Scholar, Health Policy Unit, LSHTM
2005 - 2006HIV Researcher, Americas Programme, International Secretariat, Amnesty International
2002 - 2005Global AIDS Programme Coordinator, Panos Institute, UK and Zambia (based in Lusaka, Zambia)
Scientific degree(s)
2010PhD Health Policy Analysis in Low and Middle Income Countries, LSHTM, UK
2001MSc Development Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
2000BA History and Politics, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK
Academic activities
Since 2022International Advisory Board; The Global Listening Project
Since 2021Scientific Advisor, World Report on Social Determinants of Health, WHO
Since 2021Scientific Expert, WHO World Report on Social Determinants of Health
Since 2021Virchow Prize Committee
Since 2020Steering Committee Global Health Research Platform (GHLORA)
Since 2020Editor  Journal for Migration and Health: Elsevier
Since 2019Steering Committee Global Health Hub Germany
Since 2019Adjunct Professor Nyala University; Bo; Sierra Leone
Since 2018Member WHO EURO SAGE on health equity
Since 2015Research Associate, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
2018-2019Steering Committee Global Health Hub Germany