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Abstract zur Publikation: Prevalance and epidemiological significance of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among Latin American immigrants in Berlin, Germany

Frank M, Hegenscheid B, Janitschke K, Weinke T (1997): Prevalance and epidemiological significance of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among Latin American immigrants in Berlin, Germany
Infection 25: 355-358.

A survey was conducted among Latin American immigrants living in Berlin to investigate the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection and to evaluate possible risk factors. One hundred persons were interviewed about risk factors (rural origin, contact with the reduviid bug) and evaluated serologically. The sera were tested with indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). All samples seroreactive with IIF were additionally evaluated with an ELISA for T. cruzi antibodies. To rule out cross-reactivity all seroreactive sera were tested with IIF for Leishmania infantum antibodies. Two persons were seroreactive in IIF and ELISA and three were seroreactive in the IIF only. The overall seroprevalence according to WHO criteria was therefore 2% (2/100). All samples were negative for Leishmania antibodies. Only one of the seropositive persons showed a risk factor for T. cruzi infection in their medical history. These findings suggest that routine serologic testing of Latin Americans is indicated to reduce the risk of transmission by blood transfusion and congenital transmission.







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