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Abstract zur Publikation: Therapie von Infektionen durch Schwärzepilze

Tintelnot K (1997): Therapie von Infektionen durch Schwärzepilze
Mycoses 40 (Suppl.1): 91-96.

Since dematiaceous fungi belong to the group of rare infectious agents causing mycoses, therapeutic recommendations are mainly deduced from observations of single cases. In cases of eumycetoma or focal phaeohyphomycoses of the central nervous system (e.g. caused by Cladophialophora bantiana or Exophiala dermatitidis) and in certain cases of chromoblastomycoses, the resection in toto is the therapy of choice, which may be accompanied by antimycotic medication. As antimycotic therapy ex juvantibus in case of phaeohy-phomycoses, a simultaneous application of itraconazole and 5-fluorocytosine is presently most promising. The success depends on an adequate duration of therapy.







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