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Abstract zur Publikation: Active oral immunization of suckling piglets to prevent colonization after weaning by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli with fimbriae F18

Bertschinger HU, Nief V, Tschäpe H (2000): Active oral immunization of suckling piglets to prevent colonization after weaning by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli with fimbriae F18
Vet. Microbiol. 71 (3-4): 255-267.

Immunoprophylaxis of porcine oedema disease and post-weaning diarrhoea caused by strains of Escherichia coli expressing fimbriae F18 is an unsolved problem. The study was designed to examine whether vaccination with a live F18ac vaccine of unweaned pigs born to sows with F18ac antibody in the colostrum requires preformed fimbriae in the vaccine, and whether protection against the heterologous fimbrial variant F18ab is induced as well. Genetically susceptible pigs were vaccinated orally on three consecutive days, beginning 10 days before weaning with 10(11) CFU of an F18ac culture. Challenge with a dose of 10(7) CFU of E. coli F18 on three consecutive days was initiated 9 or 11 days after weaning. Eighteen pigs given the fimbriated F18ac vaccine and challenged with a strain of the homologous fimbrial variant were protected against colonization; mean faecal viable counts of the challenge strain were >3 log10 lower than those from the 17 non-vaccinated control pigs. The vaccinated pigs developed a significant rise of F18ac IgA serum antibodies. The 23 pigs which had received the non-fimbriated vaccine showed no significant protection and exhibited much lower serum F18ac IgA ELISA reactivities. Eighteen pigs vaccinated with the fimbriated F18ac and challenged with an F18ab strain had faecal viable counts nearly as high as those from 16 non-vaccinated control pigs. It is concluded that only oral vaccines having preformed fimbriae induce protection limited to the homologous fimbrial variant.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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