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Abstract zur Publikation: Further studies on thermal resistance of bovine Parvovirus against moist and dry heat. [Weitere Untersuchungen zur Temperaturstabilität des bovinen Parvovirus gegenüber feuchter und trockener Wärme]

Bräuniger P, Peters J, Borchers U, Kao M (2000): Further studies on thermal resistance of bovine Parvovirus against moist and dry heat. [Weitere Untersuchungen zur Temperaturstabilität des bovinen Parvovirus gegenüber feuchter und trockener Wärme]
Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health 203: 71-75.

To supplement the results of thermal resistance of bovine Parvovirus (Haden strain, BPV) published at an earlier time, we carried out assays at 60° C (moist heat) aimed at comparing the thermal resistance of BPV with that of the hepatitis B virus (HBV). What we know about the resistance of HBV at a temperature of 60°C is mainly based on data collected within the context of blood product pasteurization. The results suggest that at a temperature of 60°C, BPV shows at least the same thermal resistance as HBV. Thus, BPV - which is easier to handle - can be considered a good test virus when it comes to verifying the HBV efficacy of thermal disinfection techniques. BPV is unusually resistant against a dry heat of 100°C, with the inactivation value largely depending upon the residual moisture of the lyophilisate. As a result of reducing the residual moisture from 2% to less than 1%, the exposure time has to be prolonged by ca. 2.5 times to achieve the same virucidal effect.







Das Robert Koch-Institut ist ein Bundesinstitut im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit

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