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Abstract zur Publikation: Injury mortality in East Germany

Clark DE, Wildner M, Bergmann KE (2000): Injury mortality in East Germany
Am. J. Public Health 90 (11): 1761-1764.

OBJECTIVES: This study determined the effects of social changes in East Germany since 1989 on patterns of injury mortality. METHODS: Death certificate data regarding injuries from 1980 through 1995 and police data regarding traffic injuries in East Germany from 1980 through 1998 were compared with similar data from West Germany. RESULTS: The number of motor vehicle-related injuries and deaths in East Germany increased dramatically between 1989 and 1991, whereas those in West Germany declined slightly. The increased mortality in the more rural East has especially involved young men driving automobiles on rural roads and has persisted since reunification of East and West Germany. Falls, other accidents, and suicides have shown no such effect. Homicide among East German men has increased but remains uncommon. CONCLUSIONS: Recent social changes in East Germany, including increased access to motor vehicles and decreased restrictions on personal freedom, have been associated with increased motor vehicle crashes and mortality, especially among young men and on rural roads.







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