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Abstract zur Publikation: Evaluation of a liposome-supplemented intranasal influenza subunit vaccine in a murine model system: induction of systemic and local mucosal immunity

de Haan A, van Scharrenburg GJM, Masihi KN, Wilschut J (2000): Evaluation of a liposome-supplemented intranasal influenza subunit vaccine in a murine model system: induction of systemic and local mucosal immunity
J. Liposome Res. 10: 159-177.

This study reports on the mucosal immunoadjuvant activity of liposomes in an experimental influenza subunit vaccine administered intranasally (i.n.) to mice. Antibody responses induced by the i.n. liposomal vaccine were compared to those induced by an influenza infection or by subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of subunit antigen alone, the conventional route of human flu vaccination. Negatively charged liposomes, but not positively charged or zwitterionic liposomes, coadministered i.n. with influenza subunit antigen, significantly stimulated systemic Ige levels and local antibody responses in pulmonary secretions, relative to the responses upon i.n. administration of subunit antigen alone. I.n. immunization with liposome-supplemented subunit antigen as well as s.c. immunization with subunit antigen alone or infection induced high levels of IgG antibodies in serum and pulmonary secretions, with a preferential induction of IgG1 upon immunization and IgG2a upon infection. Both i.n. immunization with liposome-supplemented antigen and infection, but not s.c. immunization with subunit antigen alone, induced local secretion of S-IgA. At the same time, both IgA- and IgG-secreting cells appeared in the lungs and lung-associated lymph nodes, suggestive of local antibody production. In conclusion, the liposomal adjuvant system, combined with a mucosal administration protocol, provides a promising strategy for induction of both systemic and local antibody responses against influenza virus.







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