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Abstract zur Publikation: Genetic and ultrastructural characterization of a European isolate of the fatal endotheliotropic elephant herpesvirus

Ehlers B, Burkhardt S, Goltz M, Bergmann V, Ochs A, Weiler H, Hentschke J (2000): Genetic and ultrastructural characterization of a European isolate of the fatal endotheliotropic elephant herpesvirus
J. Gen. Virol 82 (3): 475-482.

A male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) died at the Berlin zoological gardens in August 1998 of systemic infection with the novel endotheliotropic elephant herpesvirus (ElHV-1). This virus causes a fatal hemorrhagic disease in Asian elephants, the so-called endothelial inclusion body disease, as reported from North American zoological gardens. In the present work, ElHV-1 was visualized ultrastructurally in affected organ material. Furthermore, a gene block comprising the complete glycoprotein B (gB) and DNA polymerase (DPOL) genes as well as two partial genes was amplified by PCR-based genome walking and sequenced. The gene content and arrangement was similar to that of the Betaherpesvirinae. However, phylogenetic analysis with gB and DPOL consistently revealed a very distant relationship to the betaherpesviruses. Therefore ElHV-1 may be a member of a new genus or even a new herpesviral subfamily. The generated sequence information was used to set up a nested-PCR assay for diagnosis of suspected cases of endothelial inclusion body disease. Furthermore, it will aid in the development of antibody-based detection methods and of vaccination strategies against this fatal herpesvirus infection in the endangered Asian elephants.







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