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Abstract zur Publikation: An outbreak of Salmonella blockley infections following smoked eel consumption in Germany

Fell G, Hamouda O, Lindner R, Rehmet S, Liesegang A, Prager R, Gericke B, Petersen L (2000): An outbreak of Salmonella blockley infections following smoked eel consumption in Germany
Epidemiol. Infect. 125 (1): 9-12.

In June 1998, an increased number of persons with Salmonella blockley infection were reported from one German state. Because S. blockley is extremely uncommon in Germany, a case-control study was performed in order to find the source. A total of 13 patients met the case definition. Nine of 12 cases and 2 of 21 controls with food consumption histories reported eating smoked eel (OR 28.5, 95% CI 3.9-235.3). The consumed eel came from four different local smokeries, but could be traced back to fish farms in Italy. This outbreak indicates that eel may be a vehicle for salmonella infection and that the smoking process may not eliminate bacterial contamination from raw fish.







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