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Abstract zur Publikation: Formation of immunogenic virus-like particles by inserting epitopes into surface-exposed regions of hamster polyomavirus major capsid protein

Gedvilaite A, Frommel C, Sasnauskas K, Micheel B, Özel M, Behrsing O, Staniulis J, Jandrig B, Scherneck S, Ulrich R (2000): Formation of immunogenic virus-like particles by inserting epitopes into surface-exposed regions of hamster polyomavirus major capsid protein
Virology 273 (1): 21-35.

We generated highly immunogenic virus-like particles that are based on the capsid protein VP1 of the hamster polyomavirus (HaPV-VP1) and harbor inserted foreign epitopes. The HaPV-VP1 regions spanning amino acids 81-88 (position 1), 222/223 (2), 244-246 (3), and 289-294 (4) were predicted to be surface exposed. An epitope of the pre-S1 region of the hepatitis B virus (designated S1; amino acid sequence DPAFR) was introduced into the predicted positions of VP1. All VP1/S1 fusion proteins were expressed in yeast and generated virus-like particles. Immunoassays using the S1-specific monoclonal antibody MA18/7 and immunization of C57Bl6 mice with different VP1/S1 constructs showed a pronounced reactivity and a strong S1-specific antibody response for particles carrying the insert in position 1, 2, 1+2, and 1+3. Our results suggest that HaPV-VP1 represents a highly flexible carrier moiety for the insertion of foreign sequences offering a broad range of potential uses, especially in vaccine development.







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