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Abstract zur Publikation: Diet in residents of East and West Germany in 1991-1992 as ascertained by a retrospective food frequency questionnaire

Hellenbrand W, Bauer G, Boeing H, Seidler A, Robra BP (2000): Diet in residents of East and West Germany in 1991-1992 as ascertained by a retrospective food frequency questionnaire
Soz. Präventivmed. 45 (1): 13-24.

In this study, we compared dietary habits of residents in East (N = 76) and West Germany (N = 266) using results obtained in 1992-1993 from a retrospective semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire referring to 1991-1992. Nutrient intakes were calculated based on the German Federal Food Code. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to determine whether dietary intakes varied according to residence in East and West Germany. At the food level, East German subjects reported a higher consumption of bread, spreadable fat, and sausage, whereas West German participants reported a higher intake of fruit, vegetables, and pasta and rice. At the macronutrient level, energy intake did not differ significantly between groups, nor did the percent contribution of protein, carbohydrate, fat, and alcohol to total energy intake. East German participants had a lower total water and fibre intake, the latter significant only after adjustment for confounders. At the micro-nutrient level, East German participants had a higher intake of cobalamin, retinol and retinol-equivalents (but not of beta-carotene). There were no differences in the intake of vitamins C, D, and E between groups. Less salt and more potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc were consumed by West than by East German subjects. Overall, both groups showed disadvantageous dietary patterns. The results are discussed in the context of an overview of other dietary surveys performed in the two parts of Germany before and after reunification. In general our results are consistent with other observationsshowing that dietary habits in East Germany rapidly approached those in West Germany after reunification, although some residual differences seemed to persist.







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