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Abstract zur Publikation: Puumala (PUU) hantavirus strain differences and insertion positions in the hepatitis B virus core antigen influence B-cell immunogenicity and protective potential of core-derived particles

Koletzki D, Lundkvist A, Brus Sjoelander K, Gelderblom HR, Niedrig M, Meisel H, Krüger D H, Ulrich R (2000): Puumala (PUU) hantavirus strain differences and insertion positions in the hepatitis B virus core antigen influence B-cell immunogenicity and protective potential of core-derived particles
Virology 276: 364-375.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) core-derived chimeric particles carrying a Puumala (PUU) hantavirus (strain Vranica/Hallnas) nucleocapsid (N) protein sequence (aa 1-45), alternatively inserted at three distinct positions (N-, C-terminus, or the internal region), and mosaic particles consisting of HBV core as well as core/PUU (Vranica/Hallnas) N (aa 1-45) readthrough protein were generated. Chimeric particles carrying the insert at the N-terminus or the internal region of core induced some protective immune response in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) against a subsequent PUU virus (strain Kazan) challenge; 40-50% of the animals showed markers of protection. In contrast, internal insertion of PUU strain CG18-20 N (aa 1-45) into the HBV core caused a highly protective immune response in the bank vole model. Immunizations with particles carrying aa 75-119 of PUU (CG18-20) N at the C-terminus of core verified the presence of a second, minor protective region in the N protein. A strong PUU N-specific antibody response was detected not only in bank voles immunized with chimeric particles containing internal and N-terminal fusions of PUU N protein but also in animals immunized with the corresponding mosaic particles. Except for the exclusive occurrence of antibodies directed against aa 231-240 of N in non-protected animals post virus challenge, there was no additional obvious difference in the epitope-specificity of N-specific antibodies from immunized animals prior and post virus challenge.







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