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Abstract zur Publikation: Generation and testing of a highly specific anti-serum directed against porcine endogenous retrovirus nucleocapsid

Krach U, Fischer N, Czauderna F, Kurth R, Tönjes RR (2000): Generation and testing of a highly specific anti-serum directed against porcine endogenous retrovirus nucleocapsid
Xenotransplantation 7 (3): 221-229.

Advances in xenotransplantation offer chances to alleviate the shortage of human donor organs. The discovery that pig endogenous retroviruses (PERV) can infect human cells in vitro has stimulated the discussion on infectious risk in xenotransplantation. A molecular and immunologic monitoring of xenograft recipients and of donor animals for putative infection with PERV and other microorganisms is inevitable. In this report, we describe the generation and testing of a highly specific anti-serum directed against the PERV nucleocapsid protein. The Gag amino acid (aa) sequence of PERV class B was used to define immunogenic domains by computer analysis. A peptide corresponding to the C-terminal 19 aa of the 10 kDa (p10) nucleocapsid (NC) portion of the Gag polyprotein was used to immunize rabbits. The generated serum was tested using recombinant PERV Gag protein expressed in insect cells, purified PERV virus particles and human 293 cells transfected or infected with PERV, respectively. Test methods included Western blotting, indirect immunofluorescence, immunoperoxidase assay and ELISA. The PERV anti-serum provides a tool that is instrumental for detection of a potential agent of zoonosis. It can be used for screening of donor animals and xenograft recipients in the course of xenotransplantation procedures.







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