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Abstract zur Publikation: A highly homologous 68 kbp plasmid found in Vibrio vulnificus strains virulent for eels

Lewin A, Bert B, Dalsgaard A, Appel B, Høi L (2000): A highly homologous 68 kbp plasmid found in Vibrio vulnificus strains virulent for eels
J. Basic Microbiol. 40 (5): 343-350.

Vibrio vulnificus serovar E (biotype 2) strains are virulent for eels and have also been reported to cause illness in humans. Studies on the plasmid content of serovar E strains revealed the existence of a plasmid of approximately 70 kbp present in most of these strains. In this study we characterized the 70 kbp plasmids of seven biotype 2 strains isolated from seawater, diseased eels and wound infections in humans. We determined the exact size of the high molecular weight plasmids to be 68 kbp. A comparison of the plasmids of the seven strains by restriction length polymorphism and hybridization analysis showed them to be almost identical.







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