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Abstract zur Publikation: Characterization of PCV-2 isolates from Spain, Germany and France

Mankertz A, Domingo M, Folch J, LeCann P, Jestin A, Segalès J, Chmielewicz B, Plana-Durán J, Soike D (2000): Characterization of PCV-2 isolates from Spain, Germany and France
Virus Res. 66 (1): 65-77.

The new isolated circovirus variant PCV-2 is discussed to be the etiological agent of a new emerging swine disease with a variable morbidity and high lethality, postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). PMWS has been diagnosed in North America and West Europe. Clinical signs include dyspnea, loss of weight, lymph node enlargement and lymphocyte depletion in lymphoid tissues. This report describes the characterisation of PCV-2 isolates from animals affected with PMWS from Germany, Spain and France. We could demonstrate the presence of circovirus by electron microscope, in situ hybridisation and PCR. PCR revealed incidence of PCV-2 in many tissues of one infected animal with the exception of heart and nervous system. The phylogenetic analysis of all PCV-2 isolates yet published in the database, showed relationship of isolates from Spain, Germany and France, with three sequences from Canada determined recently and two isolates from Taiwan, while other North American sequences display a separate cluster. PCR screening of randomly collected organ samples from German pigs not affected with PMWS, revealed a rate of infection with PCV-1 of 5% and with PCV-2 of 26.8%, while blood samples showed a lower incidence.







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